How To Improve Organic Traffic To My Website

You might have worked tirelessly for months to set up your brand-new website for your business. You are also excited about launching your website and waiting to reach people who would buy your products. However, you notice that you have been waiting for some months but not getting enough people visiting your website. So, what […] Continue reading

SEO vs PPC (Google Ads): Which Is Better?

Capturing qualified leads is the primary goal of every website and the most preferred way to achieve this is by increasing your brand awareness. Ranking on search engines isn’t easy and you face several challenges while promoting or marketing your services. So, is it better to use Google Ads or put more effort to improve […] Continue reading

Why Local SEO is Important for a Dental Practice

Local dental SEO allows your dental clinic to take advantage of raised visibility in your locality. It is necessary because after the visitor has conducted a Google search for local businesses there is a probability of more than 70% of the searchers visiting your business within 5 miles of radius from their current location. It […] Continue reading