Microsites Can Have an Adverse Impact on SEO

Microsites can have a negative impact on the search engine optimization strategy adopted by a firm to improve its website’s rankings across the search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing, their benefits notwithstanding. SEO professionals and online marketing specialists continue to debate on whether to use microsite for promoting a business on the net. For […] Continue reading

Practical Tips to Promote Your Online Dental Practice Locally

Going by a Google survey conducted and published in 2014, a whopping 80% of net surfers and consumers browse on different search engines for ferreting out info they’re looking for. Alternatively, more than 50% of customers searching for information about local businesses on their smartphones using Google’s Chrome browser, actually end up visiting a specific […] Continue reading

How To Improve Your Seo Efforts With Email Marketing

As any online marketer knows, organic search is the number one source of traffic for your website. However, there’s another source of getting huge amounts of traffic, which a lot of people seem to ignore, even though its “powers” aren’t secret. Yes, today we are going to talk about email marketing and how you can […] Continue reading

Connecting to social media is crucial for the success of your dental SEO promotion plan

Considering the contemporary significance of the automated social media with regards to popularizing an e-commerce site it does not need to be emphasized that your dental SEO promotional strategy should incorporate social media platforms. Of course, social media cannot be the be-all and end-all of a typical web-based dental canvassing plan as there are other […] Continue reading

Puzzling Through The World Of SEO & Small Business

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the most intricate small business strategies in the world today.  That being said, the more you know about it on your own, the better off you’ll be in the short and long term. Basically, SEO has been changing so rapidly that many just can’t keep up with […] Continue reading