As any online marketer knows, organic search is the number one source of traffic for your website. However, there’s another source of getting huge amounts of traffic, which a lot of people seem to ignore, even though its “powers” aren’t secret. Yes, today we are going to talk about email marketing and how you can use it to boost your SEO efforts.
Even though there’s no direct connection between email clients and search engines – Google, in our case – it’s actually an excellent channel to deliver information about your website to a base of subscribers or potential subscribers, in an attempt to increase your rankings.
But how does email marketing influence the SERP results? Let’s find out together!
It builds social signals
Popular links usually rank higher in Google search. And social activity also increases this popularity. Basically, the more people share your content, the stronger your social signals are.
Include links to your latest content in emails you’re sending, as well as social sharing buttons, in order to encourage your newsletter recipients to distribute the content all across the Web.
It can attract good reviews
We’re living in the era when people look for reviews all over the Web before deciding upon buying a product or a service. And you just can’t imagine how much of an impact a series of bad reviews can have. Besides this, the quality and number of reviews for your company directly affects the search ranking.
Use email marketing to ask people for opinion about your product or service, no matter if they’re good or bad. Also, don’t forget to answer to each of them, to show your customers that you care about a feedback you receive and take it into consideration.
It can lower your bounce rate
When a user visits your website, but leaves immediately, Google counts this as a bounce. And it’s far from being good, as it signals that a user has not found the exact information they were looking for on your website. Therefore, the goal is to have a bounce rate as low as possible, since it influences your Google ranking.
But how can email marketing help you lower this rate, you ask? Well, it’s pretty easy and logical. Presuming that you already have a list of people who are genuinely interested in your website and receive your newsletter on a regular basis, you can include some links to your latest posts in emails you’re sending. By this, you’re making sure that people who click on links will definitely read everything and only after that they will close a link.
Obviously, these are just a few of many advantages the email marketing can have on the SEO campaign. However, if you haven’t tried it until now, it should be enough to convince you that it’s worth trying it.
On the other side, if you just don’t have time to run email marketing campaign , you can leave it to professionals. Affordable Dental SEO provides top quality search engine optimization services – email marketing included – for all types of websites and budgets. Just drop them a line on their website and they can definitely help you take your website one step further!
Image credit: JuralMin