Importance of the NAP Consistency for Dental Office

Quite simply this acronym NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. These three are the more significant and defining pieces of information specific to dental SEO and dental practice. Remember your NAP info can be found in several places across the web such as your site, your GMB page, your Facebook profile, other social […] Continue reading

Why Local SEO is Important for a Dental Practice

Local dental SEO allows your dental clinic to take advantage of raised visibility in your locality. It is necessary because after the visitor has conducted a Google search for local businesses there is a probability of more than 70% of the searchers visiting your business within 5 miles of radius from their current location. It […] Continue reading

Importance Of NAP Consistency For Dentist SEO

Brand consistency plays a crucial role when it comes to trusting or recognizing a brand. You may be promoting your website online or on TV, but consistency is important. NAP consistency should remain the focus when a business is promoting itself online. Local SEO along with E-A-T is considerably affected by NAP consistency. Let’s look […] Continue reading

SEO Tips For Dental SEO Beginners

If you are expecting your dental care patients to be able to locate you over the internet, you must perform dental SEO to get your website to rank highly in SERPs. But, before you can get this to happen, you will need to understand the intricacies involved in dental SEO and how to implement the […] Continue reading

Dental SEO For Dentists And Orthodontists

If you run a dentist’s practice, you are looking to get more patients visiting your clinic in all probability. You can use several techniques towards this goal but few are as useful as dental SEO. SEO has been successful in helping thousands of businesses big and small; reach their target audience via the internet. There […] Continue reading

SEO For Orthodontists! Some Tips!

If you are a practicing orthodontist you will be aware of the difficulties involved in attracting new patients. Although many patients reach the dentist via a referral network consisting of dentists, many others prefer to self-refer. When it happens the prospective patients run a Google search and just select the first orthodontist from the list. […] Continue reading