Search Engine Optimization is being practised for years now. However, it is always going to be new for starters. New webmasters do need to know and understand the fundamental principles of SEO. The techniques of optimization might have progressed but the basics always remain the same. The techniques that are currently implemented for optimization may appear efficient, which they are, but not yield positive result due to negligence towards the root principles of optimisation. One fact about search engines that is definite is the influence of words on optimization strategy.
People search through search engines with the help of words. Words that are generally used in search and summarise the content of a website are called Keywords. Knowledge of keywords is very important for successful SEO campaign. Research and competitive analysis of keywords has to be the first and a very crucial step towards website optimization. There are numerous online tools available for this purpose such as Google Trends, Yahoo Buzz Log, Bing Trends, AOL Search Trends, etc. The methods of keyword research through these tools slightly differ. Webmasters should set the criteria such that only exact results are revealed.
Competitive analysis reveals is require to assess the page authority of a website. Page authority is the potential of a website to rank higher on search engines. Relevance of content, forward, backward and internal links, etc. influence page authority of a website. There are tools available for competitive analysis too. The domain authority and the number of unique websites that link to that domain should be checked at least. Webmasters should then find the number of pages that the website has indexed on search engines. Google or Bing can be used for this purpose. To get accurate results for SEO, webmasters have to get to the final result-page by toggling through search results. Authority, link, index, etc. should be continuously updated on a spreadsheet to be tracked. Thus, one would be aware of how the website fares on the web.
An important aspect that most webmasters ignore in SEO is Title Tag. The prevalent intention is to optimise the website, which requires time, but not audios, videos, images, etc. The significance of links for other websites cannot be denied. Still, there are other ways through which attention can be attracted towards a website. Each page of the website has to be unique and should have specific title tags. Title tags should begin with the most relevant or competitive keywords, which can be found through keyword research. Several websites reached 1st pages of search engines only by the implementation of fundamental optimization strategy, which is proof of the significance and effectiveness of basic SEO techniques.
In addition to this, webmasters should continuously follow guidelines updated by search engines. Ignorance towards those guidelines may lead SEO techniques that are condemned search engines. A genuine relevant website with independently updates is one that can really benefit from optimization. Websites that pave the way to top through illicit strategies are often penalised by search engines.