Why Is NAP So Important To Doctors And Dentists?

Why Is Nap So Important To Doctors And Dentists?NAP is very important to many people, including doctors and dentists who use SEO. And we are not talking about sleeping. NAP stands for name, address, phone number. It is imperative for all website owners to have a proper NAP listing. Listings that are inconsistent can lead to listings that are wrong for your place of business. Not only will it affect your map listing, but also your organic listing as well.

As stated above, NAP is very important to those that use SEO on their websites. However, it is very important to doctors and dentists, especially those that specialize in emergencies/emergent care. Think about how many medical and dental emergencies there are each day or each week. While most people have their own doctors and dentists that they are dedicated to, sometimes it is impossible to seek treatment from them due to different reasons. Maybe your doctor is out of town or your dentist is sick. Or you are on vacation, so, therefore, you do not have a dentist near you that provides regular care to your family. Yet you still need care. Who can you turn to? This is where NAP comes in handy. When a business has NAP established online, they can easily find potential customers.

Google maps is a great place to start with NAP. If you want to know what dentists or doctors are in your local area, you can use Google maps to help you find one. Google wants people to continue to use this feature, so they are dedicated to making sure that your NAP is correct. And when your NAP is consistent across the board, Google will be able to make a connection to you and your business, along with your NAP to know that they go together.

Those dentists that need dental SEO done for their site should use Google My Business to help report their NAP. Here, the dentists and doctors will also be able to add other information about their practices, such as the days and hours the office is open. Just make sure you have filled out the profile completely and verified your Google My Business listing. A fully filled out form will rank much better than one that is partially filled out. Utilize each and every spot, from reviews to video uploads to have the best success. This is imperative to do in order to make sure your dental SEO is done correctly.

If you want your site to rank higher in the SERPS, then you really need to worry about your NAP. If your NAP is accurate and consistent, there is a higher chance that you will rank much better than your competition that does not have an accurate NAP.

And another reason you want to have a NAP that is accurate is your customers and clients. If a new customer is not able to find your phone number online in a quick manner, they will most likely move on to the next provider. Or if an existing customer has an emergency, but the phone number listed on your NAP is wrong, they are most likely going to be more apt to move on to anyone they can get a hold of. This is where it pays to make sure that your listing is 100% correct.

If you are not certain how you can do dental SEO for your site, you should consider hiring a professional, such as Affordable Dental SEO. We can make sure your NAP is up to date with all the correct information that you need to get customers to your business.