When crafting a website, there are several things you need to keep in mind in terms of SEO. Search engine optimization is an essential part of moving your website from simply existing on the web to actually being found and being useful. However, it’s not enough to just throw keywords on your site and assume that will help things. Developing dental SEO takes time and commitment.
You definitely want to avoid building your site on a less than adaptable platform. Otherwise, making changes will be a hassle and lead you to leaving your site static or ineffectual for greater lengths of time. Likewise, don’t get caught up in what the latest SEO trends are. Sure, it’s important to keep abreast of news in the industry, but following every trick or quick fix will likely take way more time than they’re worth and could end up bringing you visitors that aren’t even interested in your services.
Now that we got that stuff out of the way, we can focus on the ways you can actually build up the SEO on your dental website to bring in new targeted traffic.
For starters, keyword optimization is, well, key. Do your research and find out what people looking for a dentist search for. This is how to leverage dental SEO properly. So, come up with some key phrases that fit your industry and sprinkle them throughout the text on your website. Pay special attention to your location. City names and states are essential for targeting traffic to your site.
Use a site map when building your website so that there is one page that links to all the others. This helps visitors find what they’re looking for quickly and helps search engines index your content more efficiently.
Also, include keywords in the meta tags in the HTML code on your site. But don’t go overboard! Keyword stuffing could actually get your site penalized by Google, so don’t do it!
Use social media to your advantage. It’s not enough to have an account on Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc. You need to actually use them! Post interesting content on these sites to attract attention and foster conversation. You can also direct traffic to your website this way and build a more robust audience. Again, using proper dental SEO is vital here, since people may search by tags to find content that they’re interested in.
A static site is a useless site. Really, who would visit a website over and over again if the content never changes? The answer is nobody. So don’t expect people to do this. Instead, provide new content all the time. Social media can help out a lot with this, but you may find that creating a news section or blog could be the best way to keep content fresh without having to build new site pages all the time.
Finally, make an effort to stand out. Your site can’t be like all other sites out there. Offer something new, something different. That’s what makes for an effective dental SEO campaign.