Putting up a website for dental clinic is definitely not enough to attract a large number of people as there are lots of additional things which need to be taken care of. Although most people believe that dentist SEO services are quite easy and can easily be carried out, it is not at all true. There are various rules and regulations from Google which need to be adhered to. Illicit practices used by a site might lead to removal of the site from Google’s search index or impacted by a manual or algorithmic spam action. A site that gets affected by a spam action might no longer show up on Google or any partner site of Google. It is always recommended to provide a sitemap as Google uses the sitemap to learn the website’s structure and increase the webpage’s coverage. For effective dentist SEO, the site should offer a clear hierarchy along with text links.
According to Google guidelines each page from the website should be accessible from at least 1 static text link. The sitemap provided to users should include links that point to vital parts of the website and in case of numerous links; the sitemap should be divided into multiple pages. The dentist SEO service of a dental website should ensure that the links provided on a single page are of reasonable number and content of the website should be written accurately and clearly. Keywords are an important part of every web page and every keyword should be well thought out before including them in the content. It is better to use text to display content, links or important names instead of images as Google crawler cannot recognize text included in images. If it is necessary to use images for the textual contents then the ‘ALT’ attribute can be used along with a few descriptive words.
The broken links should be thoroughly checked and the HTML should be appropriately corrected. Text browsers like Lynx can be used to examine the website as most of the engine spiders see the information much like Lynx. The dentist SEO services always recommend including vast amount of articles across various topics which ultimately leads to increased ranking. The quality guidelines from Google state that every page of the website should be aimed towards the user and not search engines. Every type of tricks should be avoided to manipulate search engine rankings.
The dentist SEO services include creating blogs on the website where it can be used to interact with other bloggers to improve site ranking. It is always better to keep a dental website easy and simple so that people do not face any difficulty navigating them. It should contain valuable and unique information without any fluff as most people tend to use dental websites in case of emergencies. Cloaking and hidden text or links should be avoided as it might adversely affect the popularity of the website. The web pages should be thoroughly monitored and hacked content should be removed as soon as possible.