Matt Cutts answers SEO related questions

Matt_Cuts_Answering_SEO_Questions-20130723Google’s Matt Cutts faced some “website downtime” and “voice search” questions in this week’s one-to-one.

Someone asked whether a website will be suffering a lot, particularly in its ranking and SEO, if it stays down for a period of 24 hours. The man from Google answered that it won’t be a big concern if it stays down for a few hours. But if the “hours” starts turning into “weeks” then it surely is asking for some immediate attention. As Google is always trying to maintain integrity in their performance, they won’t be leading their visitors to a malfunctioning website. Thus, the best possible way to continue their site’s ranking is to resolve these issues as early as possible.

Voice search was next in line as one was interested to know whether voice searches’ popularity influences search syntax in some way or the other. Cutts said that the process is comparably more natural here. He added that the company is trying to make sure that voice search gets better with every passing day. The search algorithms will be boiling down the search queries so as to get hold of the summary of which one is talking about. One can safely say that query syntax has gone through a lot of changes for the last few years and shall continue in doing so. Cutts also hinted that this process will continue for an indefinite period, so it should be wise for SEO professionals to perform consistently if they want to survive in this game.
