Google has yet again done an update of its search engine facilitating a better list of results with greater accuracy for difficult questions. The update has been rolled out very recently and is called Hummingbird. This can have dramatic impact on the way SEO is approached.
This update shall be referred to as being the greatest modification ever made to Google’s search engine from the year 2010. During that time, its search algorithm had been upgraded to what is called Caffeine. The roll out of Hummingbird took place nearly a month before and the announcement of the news took place in a house in press event where Google had been founded and started. It is the fifteenth anniversary of Google’s founding.
However, the changes would not be noticeable right at the moment. The results for the search would look similar. However, these are changes have been designed in order to make Google more efficiently handle complex and difficult search queries. Voice search is being used more by people. This indicates that the queries are being phrased by them not as selected phrases and keywords which all the traditional SEOs optimize for, but as detailed actual questions. Google thus process more information, requiring new and more mathematical formulas for keeping on track.
This algorithm update pays greater attention to improving rank for the relevance of site by means of the Knowledge Graph. In the event of your being unfamiliar there are 570 million relationships and concepts in Knowledge Graph of Google which is an encyclopaedia. The instance of Eiffel Tower is used by the Forbes Magazine. In accordance with Knowledge Graph, Google is conscious of the fact that Eiffel Tower is in actuality a tower and that there is a particular height for it and thus on. Some facts about certain subjects are known to Google and it therefore makes it more convenient for you to predict as well as anticipate the facts that you want on a particular subject. This is important for optimum SEO, in which relevancy is crucial at all times.
With the search queries becoming more natural, it becomes important that Google updates its algorithm for reflecting the changes. Search results shall be offered with greater accuracy, despite the putting across most complex queries by people. The process works as it focuses more on the primary terms in the search query as it accesses Knowledge Graph for figuring out the query of a person for producing forth answers that are most reliable.