Google is the world’s most admired search engine explored by almost everybody and anybody whose life is impacted by the online realm. In order to hold on to its dominant position, Google time and again embarks on algorithmic updates leading to vicissitudes in the SEO landscape. Google is sort of compelled to keep changing the parameters for ranking websites on its SERPs to prevent scammers and unscrupulous elements from abusing the yardsticks so as to improve the rankings of undeserving websites.
So it is essential for all businesses and self-established professionals to keep track of the changes and modify or restructure their websites according to in order to rank high in search results pages. Dentists, for instance, could engage an online marketing strategist or specialist who’d formulate an effective dental SEO promotion plan that’d attract more traffic and eventually more patients. More often than not, many dentists don’t get the desired results even after investing heavily in/for dentist SEO. Instead of banking blindly on online promotion experts, dentists on their own could keep themselves in the know about specific aspects in order to derive expected results.
1. Content is still king
Google despite keeping its algorithm updates in a state of flux hasn’t very much changed its overall outlook towards textual content. That means, the write-ups that go into every web page has to be original and Copyscape passed (that the content has to be free from grammatical errors should be a given); no cookies crawling on the site, and the blogs should be updated with fresh content occasionally.
Google’s web crawlers are perpetually on the lookout for content that is mediocre or canned, and if your site is crammed with such content, the search engine won’t hesitate to relegate the portal to the bottom of the heap. Make it a point to crosscheck your content and ensure that the same is original using duplication tools to establish the texts’ authenticity. Your dentist SEO content should at least be able to satisfactorily respond to queries raised by niche visitors.
2. Voice search optimization
If you wish to attract customers or patients who stay nearby to your clinic, then you could customize the dental SEO stratagem for voice search. Web surfers or patients are now more into exploiting voice search phrases in order to get better or more definite results. Presently, you can take it for granted more than 50% of patients will be individuals who zeroed in your website via a voice search on their smartphones. They’re more likely to look for you using the keywords ‘dentists in Arlington Heights, Pittsburgh offering Invisalign treatment’ rather than keying in ‘dentists in Pittsburgh promoting Invisalign’.
3. Opt for keywords that patients are most likely to key in
The search landscape from the perspective of net browsers has undergone a dramatic qualitative change in the past decade. Netizens have become seasoned and these days, aren’t hesitant to use long phrases in order to find exactly what they’re looking for. Therefore temper the content in your site with dentist SEO keyword phrases like ‘porcelain implant dentist in Arlington, Pittsburgh’ instead of settling for ‘Pittsburgh porcelain implant dentist.
4. Forego using hyped up keywords
You must have heard it before from your dentist SEO specialist, and it is being reiterated again don’t go after keywords that most dentists in your city or locality pursue. To be specific, control the urge or temptation to use ‘the best dentist in Pittsburgh’ or ‘the dentist attracting the maximum number of daily visits’.
5. Be relevant
Make sure that the content on any web page should be reflected in the backlinks. In other words, there should be a reason to have relevant content that connects with backlinks. By the same token, get rid of damaging backlinks.