If you are a dentist and have a website that has ever used any kind of SEO you need to be aware of Google’s Penguin update, a few things may be true though.
You may have used dental SEO services in the past and recently found that the amount of traffic and new customers you have from your site has fallen drastically, you may have been luckier and only found a slight fall so far, you may not have had a fall yet but still be at risk or you may be lucky and have a website where all the SEO done in the past has been to a great standard and you have nothing to worry about.
Dental SEO services vary greatly some SEO consultants use what are known as ‘Black Hat’ techniques, these often get massive traffic briefly by tricking Google but Google generally catches up with them in the end and Penguin is about not just ignoring the effects of these techniques but actually penalizing you for using them.
If you, or rather your Dental SEO provider, have used ‘White Hat’ techniques then Google should be happy with your site and leave you alone, if there is just one link they don’t approve of though they may penalize you.
Just because Google’s Penguin update hasn’t penalized you yet this doesn’t mean you are safe; if you have links from sites that are part of or linked to prohibited link building schemes you should get them removed as soon as possible as Google are picking up the domains of more and more of these sites all of the time and adding them to the Penguin Algorithm.
The best thing to do if you have been penalized or think you may be soon is to get a good SEO consultant to identify the links that may cause problems or be causing problems. At the same time they will need to identify any other causes of penalties due to Penguin; these causes are less common but Google will give you some penalty, these may be the reasons for less drastic drops: if Google find your website contains spam content that may be pages with too unrelated keywords or keywords repeated too many times.
Your Dental SEO consultants may once they have fixed your current problems also be able to suggest to you what to do next with your SEO, the trick is to ensure all links are from reputable and relevant sites and are contained within good quality unique content. This is partly why Dental SEO services are such a specific service as experts are able to find the best links for a dental surgery website.
Content is also important of course and needs to be written around the keywords you want to rank for so it is directly relevant rather than putting keywords in totally unrelated articles, duplicate articles found elsewhere online or poor quality auto-generated articles, all of which are reasons why you may get penalized.