Ranking Disintegration Recovery

Disintegrated ranking can occur due to various factors. Perhaps you have changed the scope of your site, or you received a Google punishment. Maybe the competition improved upon their site, making your website fall a bit. Whatever the explanation is, don’t get yourself worked up. With our recovery checklist, you can be confident that your […] Continue reading

Why Dental Businesses Need An SEO Company

When you run a business, it is imperative to understand how to perform search engine optimization. It doesn’t matter if you own a single ice cream shop or have a chain of them, manage a pet supply store, or have an online beauty store. Even dental SEO is a thing. And here is exactly why […] Continue reading

An Introduction To Cornerstone Content

At the heart of your website is what’s known as cornerstone content. These are the posts that you want to see rank the highest on the search results pages (SERPs). Therefore they’re relatively long and informative with the goal of providing complete information about a topic. Whether you choose to create a page or a […] Continue reading

How To Improve Organic Traffic To My Website

You might have worked tirelessly for months to set up your brand-new website for your business. You are also excited about launching your website and waiting to reach people who would buy your products. However, you notice that you have been waiting for some months but not getting enough people visiting your website. So, what […] Continue reading

SEO vs PPC (Google Ads): Which Is Better?

Capturing qualified leads is the primary goal of every website and the most preferred way to achieve this is by increasing your brand awareness. Ranking on search engines isn’t easy and you face several challenges while promoting or marketing your services. So, is it better to use Google Ads or put more effort to improve […] Continue reading

Importance of the NAP Consistency for Dental Office

Quite simply this acronym NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. These three are the more significant and defining pieces of information specific to dental SEO and dental practice. Remember your NAP info can be found in several places across the web such as your site, your GMB page, your Facebook profile, other social […] Continue reading